Don't meet me there, beat me there!!!!
Bridgette Butler
Down South in Mobile, Alabama!!
Laura (Lang) Coleman
8/9/2010 12:18:14 pm

This is a nice website..........looking forward to the reunion!

Gaye Mooney Thomas
8/9/2010 12:32:47 pm

Great website........... What took us so longggggg. We R 1 Family

8/12/2010 02:36:25 am

Let's Get This Reunion Started!!!!
I want to see all my folks, my family doing a joyous occasion and not always having to gather for a funeral. Come on
people let's make this happen.

10/16/2010 01:42:16 am

Definitely will try to make it. It's high time I meet the rest of my own family. Hopefully I will be able to make it (due to military demands, its in doubt)


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         The Committee!!!

    July 2010